Some of Best Career Tips for Freshers

Career Tips for Freshers

You are now out from your college with theoritical skills, fresher and no job from campus, now you are going to face the competitive have spent a fortune trying to acquire the professional degree, and worked very hard to earn that degree. The reward for all your efforts will follow, but one needs to be patient and wireframe your ideas, work towards it.

Here are some best career tips for freshers who are just entered the job market:

The time as a fresh graduate is often the most exciting time of your life. However, if you are not careful, you could be living a life you were not meant to, or find your dreams come crashing down.

1. Make your decision correctly : Once one know that he/she going to complete their studies in coming 5-6 months, make a plan what to do next. Some may wants to pursue higher studies and some may want to do the job immediately. What ever may be take the decision and start building up basements for that.

2. Something you want to do: You are a fresher, if you have something in mind and you know that you got to do something to earn a living in order to live with dignity, the half of the battle is won.

3. Keep learning : There is no stop for anyone to learn some thing new either he/she which lacking behind or the one which helps to be stand unique from others.  So if you are really serious about taking your career to new heights, make sure you keep learning and adding skills to your profile.

4. Grab the First Offer : Often companies offer to taken graduate hires and may pay very less or offer no pay(these positions are called internship or training), so it is always good to go for such jobs if you don't get a reasonable well-paid job in the first go.

5. Don't be afraid to take risks : As the graduate hire , this is the best time to take risks. You do not have a reputation and you do not have many responsibilities either. Take risks and explore new avenues.

6. Work rather than Dream : One may not get their dream job as a graduate hire, not because you did not try hard but may be because you excelled in some other field...what ever it may be stick to that field and grow further. Don't be disappointed  and see the positive side, the money, the recognition, all matter.

7. Keep learning new : Today the global market is increasing, try to keep learning new skills and get updated.

8. Develop Network/Connections: This is the first thing one should follow once they started working in any job or company, always be in habit of developing connections, even after you leave the job, stay in touch with your seniors.

9. Have a Backup Plan/ Investment Strategy: There is some possibilities for everyone at some point of time they may get bored with the current job or in future you may swith to new careers or there may be chance that the economy gets down and may arise the recession, So start Planning or Do investments accordingly which may help in tough times.

10. Startup or MNC, try to work for atleast 2 years in your first company: As a graduate hire or fresher, you may have got the first offer to work, grab that opportunity first either it may be startup or MNC, learn all the skills and try to stay in that company for atleast 2 years minimum.

11. Have goals for 2/3/4 Years: Plan your goals for the next 2/3/4 years, where you want to be in next 2/3/4/5 years.

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